Shenyang Shenjing Submersible Pump Co., Ltd.
Address: North Liguan West Peace Industrial Park, Yuhong District, Shenyang City
Contact number: Northeast sales phone: 024-25823018 89361125 89361461
Other areas: 024-25512305 25820388
Contact fax: 024-89361960
Contact: Sales Department: 89361125, After-sales Service Department: 024-89361859
1. Check whether the sealing of air vent, water drain hole, oil drain hole and cable joint of submersible pump is loose, and if it is loose, it must be tightened.
2. Check the insulation resistance with 500 volts, which should be no less than 0.5 megohm. If the value is lower than this, open the water and air vent to dry or dry.
3, check the cable, if broken or broken, should be replaced to avoid leakage of electricity.
4, before starting to check all the circuits, switches, to see whether its wiring is correct and reliable, and then in the ground over 3 ~ 5 minutes should not be too long, so as not to damage the parts or burn out the motor winding, and check whether the direction of the motor is correct, such as no problem, can be put into the water to use.
5, submersible pump into the water to use, must not make the cable stress, the application of rope will tie it in the well head of the wooden frame. Pump into the water the maximum depth of 3 meters, the minimum depth of 0.5 meters from the center of the impeller calculated.
6. During operation, the change of water level in the well should be observed frequently. The motor should never come out of the water, nor be immersed in silt, so as not to affect the heat dissipation of the motor and burn out the windings. Should change with the water level in the well, at any time lift electric pump, such as water reduction or interruption, should immediately find out the reason or stop inspection. The cable should not be rubbed against the shaft wall, so as to avoid water from the well penetrating into the motor along the cable core after the cable is worn out.
7. For submersible pumps with new or new integral sealing boxes, check whether the seal is good after 50 hours of use, check once a month thereafter, and check whether the shielding sleeve between the rotor and stator of the motor is good or not.
8. After one year of use, check the corrosion of the pump and remove the rust and paint. If shenyang submersible water pump is not used for a long time, it should be carefully checked and placed in the dry and ventilated house for safekeeping.